Wednesday 21 December 2011

Xmas Meeting

Hamtune Quilters had their Xmas meeting last night and what an enjoyable evening it was. There were 37 members present and we all took a small plate of food and what a superb buffet we had, there was also soft drinks and wine (for those of us not driving) which was supplied by the club. Joan was given some quilts for Linus so we had a show of these and as usual they were great, lovely bright colors. Then we had to get into teams of three and were given a crossword to complete, this was American but was ok except for one clue which was something to do with what you would call 5" squares, answer next time, only kidding answer was' nickel', but we did have a winning team eventually, hope you three enjoyed sitting in the carpark eating the chocolates!! Then we all had to sit in a circle and Kathy did the raffle game, we all had three raffle tickets and there were 14 lovely prizes but once they are gone tickets are continued to be called and you just go and take whatever prize you fancy from whoever has it until all the tickets have been called and those left with the prizes well done, it was hilarious.
Would just like to say how lovely it was to see Sally Mardell there, it has only been five weeks since her op and we all wish her a c ontinued return to good health.
I would like, on behalf of myself and the committee to wish all our members a very merry christmas and a happy and prosperous new year and we look forward to seeing you all next year, we have a very busy and exciting programme which Ann has put together so be there and don't miss out.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures, Pauline. Already looking forward to next years programme.
