Wednesday 22 June 2011

Hamtune Quilters Meeting Tues 21st June 2011

Another good meeting last night. We had three demos by members for members one of which included a workshop. Kathy demostrated how to make postcards so that some of the members can take part in an exchange, later in the year, with our friends, Northampton Patchworkers, in Northampton WA. Ginette showed us how to make colourful bunting so that we can all make some of for our Autumn Fayre in October and also hire out for family celebrations :0) Pauline came up with a nice bright Name Badge for us to make and so a good few of us now know who we are!!!! Hamtune membership is growing fast, which is great, but trying to remember 50plus names - you know what I mean :0( so we thought it would be a good idea if all members wore a name badge - problem solved. Well Folks next meeting is a Sit and Sew evening on Tuesday 5th July. There will be a Sales table for all your unwanted sewing bits and pieces. Just attach a price tag to each item and put your name on the price tag. Also make a list of the items and prices you wish to sell and give this to whoever is running the table. 10% of sales will be taken for HAMTUNE'S Charity and you will get the remaining 90%. Good way to make a little cash out of things you no longer like or want to spend on more fabric etc. There will also be a Raffle at this meeting. Happy Sewing.

Anne M

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