Thursday 7 July 2011

Hamtune Meeting Tuesday 5th July

We had another lovely friendly meeting last night where most in between buying raffle tickets and checking out the sale table, some of us even managed to do did some sewing!

Pauline thinks I should have first prize for my decorated name badge! I know some members missed her badge demonstration at our previous meeting so she has promised to bring instructions and material on the 19th - so don’t feel left out and nameless .
The bring and sell unwanted items table raised just over £8 for our charity. I’m sure we’ll be holding another table soon , and I will be bringing some of my pre-loved but unwanted books and fabrics, especially as I will need to raise some funds for our trip to Ally-Pally (Alexander Palace) on October 9th. So if you have a pattern, book, fabric or craft item that you really don’t need, bring them along and perhaps make a few pence (or even £s) that you can spend on something new at the show.
Remember that we still want more bunting and Diana and Ginette have offered to attach the tape.
Finally thank you all for contributing and buying tickets for the raffle, manned by Lynda. I must apologise for claiming my prize without a ticket! We made £31, again for the Parkinsons Charity

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