Wednesday 20 July 2011

Hamtune Quilters meeting Tuesday 19th July

We had a wonderful turnout of members and visitors for our meeting last night and it was good to see some new faces. Our speaker was Anja Townrow and her talk was entitled "From Tulips to Triangles". She entertained us for an hour with the history of how she started patchworking - she was self taught and got interested in fabrics while working in the fabric department of Beatties in Wallsall in the 1970's. Like many of us, she learned from her mistakes along the way and also borrowed books from the library. She started making quilts for family and friends and then progressed to selling them. She bought many quilts and wall hangings to show us and they were all absolutely fabulous. Since the 1990's she has exhibited at the big shows with much success. She bought with her also some of her patterns for members to buy and these were very popular.
We also had a raffle for our charity and our usual refreshments. I think a very pleasant evening was had by all.
Our next meeting is 2nd August which will be a "Sit and Sew" and chat evening! The week after that is the Festival of Quilts at Birmingham NEC which many of us are looking forward to.

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