Friday 19 August 2011

Tuesday 16th August - Bren Boardman

Bren Boardman came and gave us a very interesting talk with some fascinating pieces of work to illustrate. I was rather in awe of the "sketch books". To call them that is a bit of an understatement, they were works of art really. Although Bren says she is not an artist (and maybe she isn't the world's best at drawing) she sees things with an artists eye and that is what I lack! I just would not know where to start on one of these books, despite her assurances that we could all do it.

I was fascinated with the pieces she showed us, using Lutradur. I have seen a few articles and things on blogs about people using this material but had no idea what it was and how you would use it. Now I know.

If you are interested in the more "art quilt" type of project, then Bren is the person to teach you. She also does photo printing onto fabric which I find interesting and would like to do one of these days.

All in all, this was a very interesting and different talk, one that certainly makes you think!

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